I Am An Independent Woman. How Do I Plan My Finances Better?

Take a moment to really think about these questions and give yourself an answer:

  • Are you an independent woman?
  • Are you dependent on somebody else for your financial decisions?
  • Do you earn your livelihood and want to achieve financial freedom?
  • Does lack of financial literacy make you feel under-confident in managing your money?
  • Do you also find it daunting to manage finances?
  • Do you hesitate when spending money for leisure?

If your answer to most of these questions is “yes”, then you need better planning and smarter allocation to ensure a life of comfort and leisure, without a support system on whom you constantly depend for your finances.

It’s natural for a self-sustained, working woman to wish to retire with financial independence. However, more often than not, there tends to be a gap between what you wish to do and how well you end up executing it. 

Specifically in terms of financial decisions, most of us are plagued by the fear that we’re not making the right decision.

Other times, we wonder how to save money or live a secure lifestyle without having to work our entire lives.

The thing is, everybody needs a financial coach. Financial coach helps you navigate your financial strategies that are best-tailored for you.

At iVentures, we understand how difficult it is to manage your finances while working full-time and trying to invest right.

iVentures philosophy is if you’re in control of your finances, you’re in control of your life.

Hence, we believe that the first step towards taking charge of your finances and better money-management, is consulting a financial coach, discussing your investment personality, risk-taking ability and funds, and creating a financial plan to secure your financial well-being.

Ask Yourself

How many years are left to my retirement?

What is the expected rate of inflation?

Do I have a term plan?

What is my desired monthly expenses in retired life?

What should be my investment portfolio according to my age?

To know more about financial planning and to get your personalized portfolio strategy, contact us at wealth@iventures.in

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